Custom Fields
Custom fields questions offer the following options:
Property Name
Property Description
Question Name*
The name of the survey question. This name doesn't appear when participants complete the survey. It appears in reports and when answers are downloaded in PDF format.
Question Text*
The text of the question.
A variable name to use when exporting the data for this question. If no variable name is specified, the question name is used when exporting data.
Indicates if this question is mandatory and must be completed by participants.
The conditions that make this question mandatory. The question will be mandatory only for participants whose answers meet the specified conditions.
Indicates if this question is hidden when participants complete the survey. Instead of deleting a question and loosing it's data associated, you can hide it.
Indicates if this question is grouped on the same page with the proceeding question(s).
Participant Comments
Indicates if participants can provide comments in a comments box that appears below the question. Enable this option if you have an "Other" option and you want participants to be able to provide details.
Comments Label
The label to display above the comments box if comments are enabled.
Max. Length
The maximum number of characters that can be entered in the comments field.
Single Line
Indicates if a simple text field or multiline text field is displayed.
The maximum number of seconds a participant has to complete the question. Once the timeout has expired, the participant will no longer be able to complete the question.
Disable Previous
Indicates if the "Previous" button is disabled. When activated, once a participant reaches this question in the survey, they can no longer use the previous button to change answers to previous questions.
Require on Invite
Indicates if the answer to this question must be provided when you invite participants using the invitation wizard.
Write Once
Indicates if the answer to this question becomes read only and cannot be changed once the participant clicks the "Next" button.
* denotes a mandatory field.
All field types
All field types offer the following properties:
The type of the field (read only).
The name of the field
The description of the field that appears in a tooltip.
Show Field Name
Inidicates if the field name is visible on screen.
Show Field Name Above Field
Indicates if the field name appears above the field controls instead of on the left of the controls.
Label Vertical Alignment
The vertical alignement of the field label on screen.
Label Horizontal Alignment
The horizontal alignement of the field label on screen.
Hide in Search
Inidicates if this field is hidden when defining search criteria.
Display Field
Indiciates if this field appears as a column in the participants list.
The conditions that determine if this field is visible on screen. The conditions allow the display of the field based on values entered in other fields.
Write Once
Indicates if the value in this field can be entered only once. Once a value is present the field becomes read onle.
Indiciates if this field's width will take up all the remaining space available on screen in the row of fields.
Height (px)
The height of the field in pixels.
Hide When No Value
Indicates if this field is hidden when it doesn't contain a value.
The unique identifier of this field (read ony).
Width (px)
The width of this field in pixels.
Label Width (px)
The width of the field's label in pixels.
Read Only
Indicates if this field's value is read only and cannot be changed.
New Line
Indicates if this field will be displayed on a new row or on the same row as the preceeding field.
Multilingual Name
Indicates if the field name is different in different languages. When this option is enabled, it's possible to specify the field name in each language.
Indicates if this field is mandatory.
Mandatory (Conditions)
Indicates the conditions when this field is mandatory. The conditions allow the field to be mandatory based on values entered in other fields.
Require on invite
Indicates if a value for this field must be entered when inviting participants to complete the survey by using the invitation wizard.
Multilingual Values
Indiciates if participants can provide a value for this field in each language of the survey.
Validate on Survey Access
Indicates if this field is considered when the "Validate personal information" or "Prevent Multiple Responses" options are enabled for the survey.
The name of the variable to use when exporting this field's values.
* denotes a mandatory field.
The Calculation field type offers the following properties:
Calculation Formula
The formulat used to calculate this field's value.
Currency Symbol
A currency symbol to display beside the field's value.
The number of decimals allowed in the value.
A checkbox field allows a participant to check a box
A colour field allows the participant to select a colour using a colour picker.
The Date field type offers the following properties:
Created On
Indicates if the field value should be read only and automatically take the value of the date on which it is first saved.
Date Range
Indiciates if participants must enter both a start and an end date.
Last Saved
Indicates if the field value should be read only and automatically take the value of the date on which it was last saved.
Date Time
The Date Time field type offers the following properties:
Created On
Indicates if the field value should be read only and automatically take the value of the date and time on which it is first saved.
Date Time Range
Indiciates if participants must enter both a start and an end date time.
Last Saved
Indicates if the field value should be read only and automatically take the value of the date time on which it was last saved.
A Description field allows the display of additional text on screen.
The Dropdown field type offers the following properties:
Multi Select
Indicates if more than one value can be selected.
Separated Selection
Indiciates if the list is separated in two controls, one list of available values and one list of selected values.
Indicates if values are sorted alphabetically.
Sorted Selection
Indicates participants can order the selected values.
The list of values from which the participant can select
A file field allows participants to upload files with their responses.
The Identifier field type offers the following properties:
A format for the unique identifier. The following tags can be included in the format.
- [id] this tag will be replaced by the unique numeric value
- [d:yyyy-MM-dd] this tag will be replaced by the current data when the unique numeric value is generated. It's possible to change the date format, for example MM-dd-yyyy.
Minimum number of digits
The minimum number of digits to include in the unique identifier. If the identifier generated doesn't have a sufficient number of digits, 0s will be added as suffix.
A prefix that will be placed before the unique identifier.
A link field allows a participant to enter a link towards a web page.
Multi Line Text
The Multi Line Text field type offers the following properties:
Maximum Length
The maximum number of characters that can be entered in the field.
Minimum Length
The minimum number of characters that must be entered in the field.
The Number field type offers the following properties:
Currency Symbol
A currency symbol to display beside the field's value.
The number of decimals allowed in the value.
Maximum Value
The maximum value that can be entered in the field.
Minimum Value
The minimum value that must be entered in the field.
Single Line Text
The Single Line Text field type offers the following properties:
Maximum Length
The maximum number of characters that can be entered in the field.
Minimum Length
The minimum number of characters that must be entered in the field.
Reg. Ex.
A regular expression to validate the value entered in the field.
Reg. Ex. Message
The error message to display if the value entered doesn't match the regular expression.
The Time field type offers the following properties:
Created On
Indicates if the field value should be read only and automatically take the value of the time on which it is first saved.
Time Range
Indiciates if participants must enter both a start and an end time.
Last Saved
Indicates if the field value should be read only and automatically take the value of the time on which it was last saved.
The Tree field type offers the following properties:
Multi Select
Indicates if more than one value can be selected.
Leaf Only Selection
Indiciates if only leaf values can be selected. A leaf value is a value which doesn't have any child values.
Show as dropdowns
Indicates if the field is displayed as a series of dropdowns. Each dropdown displays the values for a level of the tree.
The values of the tree.